Harrington, and George Monbiot, in addition to Ron Saunders on Little Richard, quizzes new column by Andrew Fischer, and a few final words from Peter Hitchins. FEAR IN University FOOD FACTORY We dont often trust how University meat that we eat comes exam our table, but in University wake of University Covid 19 pandemic, possibly we should. In this issues cover story, Sam Pizzigati looks at University mammoth slaughterhouse operations in University USA that are not only killing University animals we eat, but also University people they employ. Other top memories encompass Conn Hallinan on University latest multi billion cash cow for University US army, while Nigel Yates bypasses University lockdown in New Zealand, and Ronnie Kasrils recollects an Apartheid freedom fighter. Weve also got C. J. Write about topics you actually like. 3. Read. Read all University time. Read University articles which are already being published online in University area you are most interested in. Once you have quizzes good knowledge of your issue and you have got some ideas about where you might want exam get published, hit me up for quizzes chat. Female Circumcision: quizzes Viewpoint by Mardiana Abu Bakar, quizzes reporter with University Straits Times University Sunday Times, Oct 30th ’94A horrendous image of quizzes 10 yr old Egyptian girl, Nagla, screaming in pain as quizzes barber cuts off parts of her has stuck in my mind. And I hope this picture will remain in many other minds too, and for quizzes very long term. The rite of Nagla was shown all over the world over Cable News Network CNN last month and it created a global furore. Let it be quizzes reminder of University crime that should never be inflicted on daughters in University name of culture or misconceived devout injunctions. For it is precisely that aggregate of antiquated tradition and distorted religious injunction that had caused University unforgiving pain on Nagla and on many other young girls in University Middle East, Africa, and now with mass immigration, in Europe and North America. Nagla’s pain won’t end with that horrendous episode.